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Welcome to the Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) Department at Mirus Critical Care Centre

Our dedicated team of ENT specialists and medical professionals is committed to providing comprehensive care for conditions affecting the ear, nose, throat, and related structures. With expertise in diagnosing and treating a wide range of ENT disorders, we strive to deliver personalized and effective care to our patients. Here are some key services of our department:

Otology and Neurotology
Our ENT specialists are experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of ear-related conditions, including hearing loss, chronic ear infections, tinnitus, and balance disorders. We offer comprehensive audiological evaluations, middle ear surgeries, cochlear implantation, and other advanced interventions to improve hearing and address ear-related concerns.
Rhinology and Sinus Surgery
We specialize in the diagnosis and management of nasal and sinus disorders, such as chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps, deviated septum, and allergic rhinitis. Our ENT surgeons perform minimally invasive endoscopic sinus surgeries, septoplasty, turbinate reduction, and other procedures to relieve nasal obstruction, improve sinus drainage, and enhance breathing.
Head and Neck Surgery
Our ENT team is skilled in managing head and neck conditions, including tumors of the throat, voice box, salivary glands, and thyroid gland. We offer surgical interventions for the removal of tumors, reconstructive procedures, and management of conditions such as snoring and sleep apnea.
Pediatric ENT
We provide specialized care for children with ear, nose, and throat conditions. Our ENT specialists are experienced in managing pediatric conditions such as tonsillitis, ear infections, airway obstruction, and congenital abnormalities. We strive to deliver comprehensive care with a child-friendly approach to ensure the well-being of our young patients.
Voice and Swallowing Disorders
Our ENT department offers evaluation and treatment for voice and swallowing disorders. We provide advanced diagnostic techniques, including videostroboscopy and laryngeal electromyography, to assess vocal cord function. Our treatment options include voice therapy, surgical interventions, and management of swallowing difficulties.
Allergy and Immunotherapy
We provide comprehensive allergy evaluations and immunotherapy options for patients suffering from allergic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, and other ENT-related allergies. Our team offers personalized treatment plans, including allergen immunotherapy (allergy shots) and medication management, to help alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life.

At Mirus Critical Care Centre, we strive to provide compassionate and patient-centered care for all ENT conditions. Our ENT specialists work closely with other medical disciplines to ensure comprehensive care, and we prioritize the use of the latest diagnostic and treatment technologies to achieve optimal outcomes for our patients.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation with one of our ENT specialists, please contact our ENT Department. We look forward to serving you and addressing your ear, nose, and throat concerns.

Life threatening ENT conditions treated at Mirus ENT Department

While the majority of conditions treated by the Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) Department at Mirus Critical Care Centre may not pose immediate life-threatening risks, there are certain situations in which urgent intervention may be required. These include:

Airway Obstruction

In cases where there is a severe obstruction of the upper airway, such as due to a foreign body, angioedema, or a rapidly progressing infection, immediate intervention is necessary to restore and maintain a patient's ability to breathe. Our ENT specialists are experienced in emergency airway management techniques, including intubation, tracheostomy, or surgical procedures to relieve the obstruction.

Epistaxis (Nosebleeds)

While most nosebleeds are not life-threatening, severe or uncontrolled epistaxis can occasionally occur, especially in patients with underlying bleeding disorders or arterial bleeding. Our ENT specialists are skilled in managing severe nosebleeds through various interventions, including nasal packing, cauterization, and endoscopic procedures, to control bleeding and prevent potential complications.

Neck Abscesses

Deep neck abscesses can be potentially life-threatening due to the risk of airway compromise and the spread of infection. Our ENT specialists have expertise in diagnosing and managing neck abscesses through incision and drainage procedures, antibiotic therapy, and close monitoring to ensure adequate drainage and resolution of the infection.

Acute Otitis Media

While typically not life-threatening, severe cases of acute otitis media, particularly in infants or immunocompromised individuals, may require urgent treatment to prevent complications such as mastoiditis or intracranial infections. Our ENT specialists can diagnose and manage these conditions promptly, utilizing appropriate antibiotics or, in some cases, surgical interventions.

If you have any further questions or would like to learn more about the ENT services offered at Mirus Critical Care Centre, please don't hesitate to contact our ENT Department.

It's important to note that these are specific scenarios where urgent intervention may be necessary within the ENT field. The majority of ENT conditions are managed on an elective or non-emergent basis, focusing on improving quality of life and resolving chronic symptoms.

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